The Northern Mono Chamber of Commerce was created in 2000 because of the vision and hard work of Jim Coffron, Jeff Hines and Rich Printy, all local residents of our beautiful valley.
At the beginning, the chamber has had a strong commitment from a determined group of "charter" members. It is because of all of these people that the chamber has grown and continues to grow for the local good of all residents and business owners.
Membership is available in three groups, Members (voting rights), Associate members (non-voting), and Friends of the Chamber (non-voting). Our continued success rests on our ability to increase enrollment from all of these groups.
Members are typically those that want to have an active role in the continuing success of our chamber. These members have voting rights and are paid members.
Associate Members are typically those that want to financially support our chamber and typically take a non-active role. These members do not have voting rights during elections (they are more than welcomed to freely give input on all matters before the chamber - as are all residents and business owners).
"Friends of the Chamber" is a very important group of concerned folks. It is these people that give of their help at all of our functions. Becoming a "Friend of the Chamber" costs nothing except a commitment to help out as needed at a wide range of community functions. Please join today!
The Chamber of Commerce meets the second Monday of every third month at the Antelope Valley Community Center at 6:30 PM. We welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in Antelope Valley. Click here for links to minutes and agenda.